Saturday, May 8, 2010

Actionscript Application

This is an Drawing Application that was done as an assignment.
The application was designed & developed with flash and actionscript 3.0. The current application has four panels in which user can select a given panel and select any object and then draw the current object. The creator can create an abstract art according to his creativeness and finally export as an JPEG file.

You can view the following file [Drawing Board Application]

This is an MP3 Player Application that was done as an assignment.
The application was designed & developed with flash and actionscript 3.0. The current application contains features in regard to the basic ones (Play, Pause, Rewind, Fast Forward), Next Track Skipper, Previous Track Skipper, Volume & panning.

You can view the following file [MP3 Player Application]

Instructions: To view the file first download & then extract the Next add any mp3 songs to the Resources folder & then change the SongList.xml by setting up the name of the song in the title area of each tag & the song url.